Whitetail Park
Whitetail Park is the township’s first owned and operated park built within the Whitetail Crossing Subdivision off of Poe Road. Established in 2006, the park offers two soccer fields, two basketball courts, concession stand, full-service restrooms, pavilion, playground, and over one mile of paved/stoned walking trails.
The soccer fields are striped and operated by the Medina Soccer Association and are heavily used during the spring, summer and fall seasons.
The pavilion offers a large charcoal grill and is able to support the occupancy of 80-90 people. Included within the pavilion are several electrical outlets and a drinking fountain with a water spigot for convenience.

The walking trails are located outside of and within the woods that surround the soccer fields, restrooms, and pavilion. There are stations provided by the Boy Scouts giving information on the wildlife and the habitat; benches are also provided to take breaks.
Pickleball Mania! In 2022, pickleball courts were introduced to the park as another source of activity and recreation.
The hottest sport in the adult market takes the games that we have all been familiar with as kids and blends them together for a strategic competition for all ages. Imagine if you will, blending a life-size ping pong table with a tennis atmosphere while standing outside your “kitchen”. This my friends, is the game of PICKLEBALL – where the young and the old get to battle their opponents at their own speed. Pickleball is a sport of direction, finesse and quick thinking on a strategic level. Do not let the age of your opponent fool you as speed and power offer some but not all the necessary skills to conquer at this game.
With the sport growing faster than a batch of cucumbers, Montville Township has jumped onto the speeding train by adding five new Pickleball Courts to the Whitetail Park Complex. This addition was made available through ARPA monies award by the State Government.
The courts have an open play policy with following the court rules and Pickleball etiquette. A court or two may be reserved but must be accompanied with the rental of the pavilion. The idea is to make available a court or two for picnics and parties held at the Whitetail Pavilion. PICKLEBALL COURTS WILL BE IN OPERATION BETWEEN APRIL 1ST THROUGH NOVEMBER 15TH.