Current Zoning Commission Members
Alan Piatak, Chair
Justin Carr, Vice Chair
Dave Wetzel
Mary Pawlowski
John Vujevich
Brad Novotny, Alternate
Vince D’Angelo, Alternate
The Ohio Revised Code requires that each Board of Township Trustees shall create and establish a Zoning Commission. This commission is composed of five members who reside in the township and are appointed by the Trustees.
The Trustees may appoint two alternate members to the Zoning Commission for terms they determine. An alternate member takes the place of an absent regular member at any meeting according to procedures prescribed by Resolution by the Trustees and in the By-Laws of the Zoning Commission.
The Zoning Commission’s responsibilities include review and modification of the Zoning Resolution, hearing/voting on applicant submissions for development plans, land disturbance, zoning map amendments, and zoning text changes. During the review process with an applicant, the Zoning Commission considers information from many sources.
All meetings of the Zoning Commission are open to the public. The Zoning Commission records minutes of its proceedings to document votes of each regular or alternate member and other official actions, all of which are filed in the office of the Trustees for public record.
With their meetings scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month starting at 7:00 PM, the Zoning Commission offers ample time for developers, builders, residents, and other interested parties to present their plans.