The Ronald F. Bischof Administration & Safety Services Center is located at 6665 Wadsworth Road in Medina and houses the township administrative and zoning offices, police, fire and a life support team all under one roof. The main township phone is 330-725-8313. The police office phone is 330-725-8314 and dispatch is 330-725-2204.
In addition to township offices, police, fire and LST, Montville Township Administration & Safety Services Center also offers:

Community Room: A multipurpose room that seats up to forty-eight with round and rectangular tables. The room is available for non-profit groups, organizations, and township residents.
Community Room Rules and Regulations
Training Room: This high tech training/conference room seats up to seventy-five and may be used by permission of the Police Department and/or Trustees.

Safe Room: Located in the front lobby is a fortified room available to provide safe shelter to anyone retreating from danger or threat. This Safe Room contains communication equipment so that law enforcement authorities can be contacted.
D.U.M.P. Box: This is a safe disposal box for unused medications and is located to the right of the Administration and Safety Services Building front door. (When discarding unwanted medications, please mark out the name and address and place the container(s) in a zip lock bag before depositing in the D.U.M.P. box. NO SYRINGES PLEASE.)