Residents are notified of planned road closings in advance on the Closings & Repairs page of the website.

Maintenance involves mowing the road sides at least twice a year, and maintaining the ditches by picking up trash and grading them as needed. Roadside trees and brush are trimmed regularly, and regulatory and warning signs are maintained. Often during the year, there are pot holes that need to be filled, and culverts and catch basins that need replaced.

The State of Ohio maintains 15 miles of township roads.  Medina County maintains 12 miles of township roads and the remaining 54.345 miles of township roads are maintained by Montville Township staff.  

Road List and Maintenance Responsibilities

Montville Township Service staff prepares for snow by routinely keeping all equipment ready for salting and plowing the roads. The trucks, salt spreaders and spinners are inspected and adjusted so they are ready to be loaded when needed. The plows are greased after every use to make sure they are maintained in proper working order. The trucks fluid levels are checked routinely along with the hydraulic hoses and windshield wipers. The warning lights are checked periodically to be sure that they are all working. The salt barn is replenished frequently  during the winter to avoid shortages.

After an overnight snowfall, Montville Township Service staff arrives at 4 am to begin snow removal from the roads before the school buses pick up children for school. Roads are salted throughout the day to prevent them from becoming slippery. During inspecting the road conditions, the staff determines when roads are in need of repair.

Montville Township will repair or replace mailboxes when struck by the township snowplow, but they do not repair or replace a mailbox if it was knocked down by the snow.

The Trustees have adopted a Parking Ban Resolution restricting street parking during general snow emergencies. Both Township Service Department and/or Police Department have authority to have vehicles removed if in violation of said Resolution.

When contemplating the planting of trees, please note that the road right of way must remain free and clear of any obstructions. Please contact the Service Department for proper distance from road edge for plantings.

In 2008, the Montville Township Board of Trustees created a resolution of approved trees for planting within the tree lawn area. In 2015, the approved list was revised removing the fruit trees.

The approved recommended trees are as follows:

Less than 15 feet:

Amur Maple

15 – 30 feet:


40 – 40+ feet:

Autumn Blaze Maple
Autumn Flame Maple
Red Oak
White Oak
Yellow Poplar

To review the newest resolution, please click here.

Montville Township Service Department

6665 Wadsworth Road
Medina, OH 44256

The township from time to time may be trimming trees along the township roadsides. The trimming is to remove obstructions from the road way and to maintain clear line of sight.

  • Trees in the road right of way will be trimmed up in a matter that is acceptable for the type of tree.
    •  hard woods will be trimmed 6-8’ from the ground
    • ornamental trees will be trimmed 3-4’ from the ground
  • Trees will be trimmed back at least 1’ from the back of the curb and some will be trimmed more if needed to allow for line of sight
  • Allow proper clearance and visibility over streets and sidewalks
  • Remove dead, dying, or diseased branches
  • Remove crossing, rubbing, or poorly attached branches
  • Reduce co-dominant leaders to re-establish apical dominance

Any questions please call the service department at: 330.725.0273

The township service department has noticed an issue with the mailbox action of the property owner is required in this matter.

  • Your mailbox takes a serious beating from the weather, especially in the winter. We suggest a routine mailbox check-up.
  • Mail customers are required to contact the local post office before installing the mailbox to ensure its correct placement and height at the street. 
  • Generally, mailboxes are installed at a height of 41”-45” from the road surface to inside floor of the mailbox or point of mail entry and are set back 6”-8” from front face of curb or road edge to the mailbox door.


Mailbox Specifications
  • Curbside mailbox on a post near the street, the support should be secure, safe, and straight. The best supports are designed to bend or fall away if a car hits them.
  • Township policy states that if a properly installed and maintained mailbox is damaged by the plow truck (not from snow), the township maintenance staff will make the appropriate repairs as needed with a white metal box and post if damaged. The Trustees have adopted a Mailbox Resolution as to the repair and replacement of mailboxes damaged due to plow damage. Any questions please call the service department at: 330.725.0273