Montville Township Governance
Our township government has three branches, with trustees serving as the executive branch, who coordinate utilities, roads, police, fire and LST – life support team departments, parks, cemeteries, zoning and township staff. Montville Township also has an elected fiscal officer who handles the financial aspects of the township. Current trustees are Jeff Brandon, Sally Albrecht, and Allen Biehl. The township’s fiscal officer is Mary Pawlowski.
The Montville Township Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) serves as the judicial branch and operates as a quasi-judicial body and reviews evidence supported facts (not opinions) regarding the granting of Variances and Conditional Use Permits to properties in the township. Currently, Amanda Dillon serves as the Chair of the BZA, with Elayne Siegfried as the Vice Chair. Other members are Donna Watkins, J.C. Stouffer, and William Montalto. Alternate members are Cheryl Heinly and Pat Ryan.
The Zoning Commission (ZC) serves as the legislative branch, developing the zoning regulations and future zoning plans for the township. Currently, Alan Piatak serves as the Chair of the ZC, with Justin Carr as the Vice Chair. Other members are David Wetzel, Mary Pawlowski, and John Vujevich. Alternate member is Brad Novotny and Vince D’Angelo.

Functions of Montville Township
Montville Township is one of seventeen townships in Medina County. Unlike many townships, Montville has its own police department, headed by Chief Matthew Neil. It has 13 full-time police officers, including two sergeants, one part-time officer, 3 auxiliaries, and a K-9 unit. The operation of the Police Department is funded through a Police Levy. Montville Township contracts with the City of Medina for fire protection and life support for the township.
Maintaining township roads is a high priority component of township government and Montville has close to 55 miles of roads to be plowed, repaired and maintained. This includes snow removal, road repair, ditches, culverts as well as town hall maintenance. This department has 5 full-time employees. At the present time funding for township maintenance comes from state motor vehicle license fees and state motor vehicle fuel tax. Presently, Montville does not have a road levy.
Montville Township has a planning and zoning department that reviews and assists applicants with development plans, project locations and approves permits for new homes, fences, patios, decks, pools, additions, and accessory buildings. The zoning office works closely with the Montville Township BZA and the ZC. The BZA meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7 pm at the town hall. The ZC meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 pm at the town hall.
Other functions of the township include the maintenance of the three township cemeteries: Crofoot Hill, Case Anderson and Poe Cemeteries; the monitoring of utilities and utility projects (sewers, cell phone towers, gas, electric and cable service); the support of economic development; and the care and maintenance of the two township parks: Austin-Badger Nature Preserve, Aaron Smith Nature Preserve, Whitetail Park, Thomas Currier Nature Preserve, Cobblestone Park, and White Tail Park.