Population Growth
The 2020 Census shows that Montville Township grew by 17.4% in just 10 years to 13,131.
Home Ownership and Household Income
Montville Township is characterized a stable and prosperous population with a high percentage of owner-occupied housing units (83.8%) and a median household income ($95,644) that is considerably above the state of Ohio average.
Educated & Skilled Workforce
Montville Township has a built-in skilled and educated workforce. Based on the 2010 Census, 93% of the adult residents have at least a high school education. Almost 64% have at least some college.
- Graduate Degree 8.4%
- Bachelor’s Degree 25.9%
- Associate Degree 8.9%
- Some College 20.7%
- High School 29.1%
- Some High School 5.0%
- No High School 2.1%